How come this useless item is so popular? And your useful product is unknown?

You know this thing right? Lato-Lato

It’s funny how this Lato-lato is trending and viral. When if you look at it, it is a very simple item with two balls with string. And you will not even play it for more than 10 minutes (as per our survey).

This item is sold from Php 10.00 to Php 50.00 and did you know more than three (3) million kids bought this, aside from adults (who think they are kids)

But anyway, the question is “How come this useless item is so popular, and your useful product or service is unknown?”.

Well, by the power of influencers and bloggers – they made it sell even though it’s pretty useless and will trend out after a month or so.

Here at LMIV, (Let’s Make It Viral) – We have that power! As we are basically a group of influencers and bloggers, aside from brand ambassadors and models.

So what are you waiting for? Boost your SALE by collaborating with us here at LMIV!

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